Welcome, Robert and Marsha!

We are pleased to announce the hiring of two new CAPS team members.

Robert Collier joined CAPS as a family mentor. Collier brings experience working with youth as a case manager at Central Kansas Mental Health Center. He obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree at Kansas Wesleyan University. After graduation, Collier worked for USD 305 and St. Francis Ministries before CKMHC. He joined the CAPS family mentoring team on Aug. 16, 2021.
“Robert’s experience working with at-risk youth and their families brings a great perspective to the important work of in-home parenting education to help families create spaces where their children can be safe, healthy and strong, “ said Lori Blake, CAPS executive director.

Marsha Mauch joined the Ottawa and Saline counties CASA Program, a program of CAPS, as a CASA volunteer supervisor on Aug. 2. She comes to CAPS with a Juris Doctor degree and Master of Social Work degree from the University of Kansas. Mauch has an impressive history in helping at-risk communities. She was previously a case supervisor at CASA in the 8th Judicial District, a role that is similar to her new position with CAPS. Mauch will guide CASA volunteers through their cases aimed at lifting children’s voices in foster care.
Blake said, “Because of Marsha’s experiences as a former CASA volunteer in our program and having done work in another regional program, she is an excellent addition to our team. Those experiences broaden our perspectives in how to effectively advocate for children in the foster care system.”