Happy Bear is on YouTube!

Happy Bear could not visit schools this year, so we took her virtual!
Child sexual abuse is not an easy topic, and often makes people uncomfortable. Parents don’t know where or how to start the conversations, and so often times there are none, thus putting children at risk. The Happy Bear play is a play performed for children in preschool through second grade that teaches children to identify their feelings about the kind of touches they might receive, such as “helping” versus “bad” touches. Children are given the tools and ability say, “no,” walk away, and tell a safe adult if they are experiencing “bad” touches through the Happy Bear performance. These videos are meant to open the door for parents, teachers and caregivers to have further discussions with their children about how they can be safe, strong and healthy kids.
The videos were filmed by Devin Frederking and David Greiser in the Salina Community Theater and at community locations. 10 families participated in the videos, bravely talking about the difficult topic of child sexual abuse and in turn, educating their children while they interacted with Happy Bear and Vicki Price, CAPS Parenting Education Program Director.
Read the Salina Journal’s article about Happy Bear’s YouTube debut here. Watch the Happy Bear videos, and other parenting videos, on our YouTube channel, found here.
A celebration for the video stars was held outside of the CAPS office on May 16.