20 Fun Summer Ideas

Here are 20 fun, free and local ideas to do this summer with your family. Let us know what you like to do in the summer with your kids!
- Go on a picnic. Salina has 26 parks to picnic in! Pack a meal, or grab your favorite takeout, and spread a blanket in the beautiful green grass and enjoy the summer weather.
2. Create a summer reading list. Visit the Salina Public Library to pick out books for the list. See how many you can read before the end of the summer!
3. Meet friends at the playground or pool. Make it a regular occurrence to strengthen the bonds between friends. Meet for an afternoon at Kenwood Cove, or simply meet at the nearest playground to both friends!
4. Let the kids cook dinner. Encourage them to plan the menu and shop for ingredients. Supervise as needed based on the age of your children. Teens can probably do it alone, but help the younger ones with cutting vegetables and operating the oven.
5. Make a time capsule. Have each family member write down something they are grateful for and include a special item in the time capsule. Then, store it away (you don’t have to bury it!) until a designated date. This can be the end of summer, Thanksgiving, or wait even longer!
6. Interview an older relative. Let your children lead the interview. Write out the family history with the answers given in the interview, and have your children illustrate it. You can keep this book for your family and give a copy to your relative as a gift!
7. Read a chapter book aloud. Plan to read a chapter or more each night. Reading 15 minutes a day to young children fosters success in school!
8. Collect and paint rocks. Turn them into pet rocks, garden ornaments or give them as gifts to friends and family members.
9. Press summer flowers. Research each flower or plant as you press them. Make a pressed flower picture with waxed paper.
10. Take bike rides for fun. Check out the Salina bike trails!
11. Build a fort. Put pillows in the living room or use cardboard boxes outside.
12. Visit a local museum. Learn how times have changed. Check out the Smoky Hill Museum – admission is free!
13. Write and illustrate a comic book. Make it a group effort or let everyone do their own.
14. Visit every park in town. Salina has 26 parks in town that offer a variety of activities!
15. Fly a kite. Make one, or buy one from the dollar store. See how long you can keep it in the air!
16. Go fishing. Kids under 16 fish free in Kansas.
17. Bake some treats. Share your goodies with a neighbor!
18. Make a bird feeder. Roll a pine cone in some peanut butter, honey and bird seed. Document every bird that visits it!
19. Learn how to juggle. Or learn another skill. Hold a talent contest.
20. King/Queen for a day. Make a crown, then draw a name from a hat. Whoever wears the crown makes the rules for the day!
Find more family fun here.